Rotaract Clubs of CUG and KCT


Rotaract is a rotary sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30. Rotaract club are either community or university based ,and they're sponsored by a local rotary club. This makes them true "partners in service "and key member of the family of rotary. The annual district assembly is the major leadership training event in each Rotaract district of the world. The workshops offer motivation, inspiration, Rotaract information and new ideas for club officers, directors and key committee chairmen of each club.

TITAN - The XV Rotaract District Assembly hosted by the Rotaract Clubs of CUG and KCT, which is helded on the 17th of July 2022, Venue: KCT Auditorium.

The Assembly will witness the 15th Installation Ceremony of our Rotaract District Organisation 22-23 where Rtr. Kishore Babu will take the baton of District Rotaract Representative of RI District 3201 for the Rotary Year 2022-23.

TITAN is packed with Trainers sessions for all the Board Members of clubs, which will be followed by the address of our esteemed guests of the day - District Governor Rtn. Rajmohan Nair, District Rotaract Committee Chair Rtn. Gopala Krishnan, District Chairman - Youth Service Rtn. Godwin.

TITAN - The XV Rotaract District Assembly will be taken over by ACE - The XIV Annual Rotaract District Awards.

Kindly refer to the attached file for the complete agenda for the event

Let's together Celebrate Rotaract!


